Google team the option insert in blogger sepacial new interface for SEO which is called "Meta Description or Dynamic meta description" dynamic meta description play a vital role in blogger SEO because all the major search engines likes and love those websites blogs which havedynamic meta description for home page and for each blogger post. So the interesting thing is that we
can write post description for each blogger post without changing or editing the html we have only insert the code in blogger template and also writes few words about sites in blogger dashboard and thus we have full rights to writes meta description inside blogger post editor.

Meta Description for Home Page and each post in blogger

Actually dynamic meta description works for both home page and for blogger each post many bloggers wants their dynamic meta description only for home page not for blogger each post. So by enabling this features in blogger now you have full rights whether wants meta description for post or not.

Meta description for home page and for each blogger post will surely increase your postsindexing and crawling rate upto top. A part from this every your new post will stand first and top in search engine result. 

How to Enable Meta description for blogger home page 

     *Go to blogger dashboard

       *Setting>Search> Preferences

       *Click on Edit Yes.

      *Now write your meta description for blog home page. Remember meta description allowed upto 150 character exceeding the limits are not allowed. write upto 150 characters or less that will be better.

     *See the screen shots given below.

Now in the above method you are able to have a dynamic meta description for your blog home page. Now days everyone using blogger custom templates and one thing should be remember that sometime these meta description will not work as well and you will not be able to see the meta description for home page while if  you check them in page view source file.

So to overcome this problem you will have to insert some piece of code in your blogger template.

      *Go to Blogger dashboard:

      *Find <head> tag and insert the given code just after <head> tag. or before
      *<b:skin><![CDATA[ this tages

  • *Now you have done save your custom template and come back to the home page and this time you will able to see the home page meta description in page views source file.

How to Enable Meta Description for blogger Each post

In the above tutorial you have already familiar with the concept of how to add meta description for home page. Now in this section we will discuss how to add meta description for each individual post. by adding the meta description for home page now we have automatically an additional feature inside blogger post. 

Now whenever you write your new post just inside blogger post editor you will see the search description box at right side. Now make it habit forever whenever goes to publish new post write upto 145 characters description inside this search description box. Use ourPBT counter tools for post meta description.

Adding Meta description for blogger each post

     *Go to write new post

      *Look at the right side 

Now you have observed that at inside post editor at the right side you can see the search description and you can easily add meta description for each of your's blog new post.

Alert Bloggers:

 By adding the description to each of your new post just remember that your meta description should be different then post title and having keywords from your blog post contents means having a brief summary about your post.
i have personaly implemented this on my blog and it has dramatically increased my blog traffics test yourself.


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