Some time ago could be of interest to you tostop search engine and indexing of your blogger blog and this occurs when you are going to submit or publish new blogger blog or website.. When its need to stop search engine from your blogger blog?. well the question is right. Whenever we start a new blog or website then we always desire to stop all the major search engine from indexing and crawling the blog contents. Blog or website at the developmental stage has a lot of creepy errors and it will surely kill your blog beauty. So i would be always recommended never access your blog or website in search engines when it is on developmental stage.

The reasons is that if someone visits your blog thats will never land again why because of poor designing, contents erros, and many mores. First impression is that last. So first make or give professional design to your blog, website and when it becomes perfect look from every angle then its the time to release it in all search engines.
Google SEO Book

How to Stop Search Engine From indexing your blogger blog

This is a very simple process. Follow the below given steps
            *Go to blogger dashboard >> Setting: 
            *Click on Basic>> Privacy:
            *Click on the No option on both and Then Save see below:

  • Now you have done almost to block the search engine.

Blog is Ready For Search Engine

Now after some time and doing all the possible customization and SEO optimizationTitlesBlog Description, Designing and many mores and Once your site is ready for the release, you can easily follow the above same steps but this time select YES. It will give access to the robots, and they will again start crawling and indexing your site in search engines.


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