Google latest Page Rank update has just released. The PageRank toolbar has started showing new ranks for all websites worldwide. The last update was on Nov 2012.The duration between updates is 3 months.Google rolls out these updates after every three months. This PR update is our(chsaqlain) 3rd PR update the last one was our 2nd we got PR4 in that and I am glad to announce that our PR remains constant this time.
Actually Google Page rank depends upon quality Back links. PR also depends upon SEO and quality content but the major thing is quality back links. Blogs with higher PR are crawled faster compared to those with lower PageRank. For example a PR 6 webpage is crawled several times per minute compared to a PR 5 page that is crawled once every minute. The faster the robot crawls your pages the greater the chances for you to drive organic traffic from Google and build readership.
How To check Page Rank?
You can check Your site's Page Rank from Page Rank Checker tool write your blog's URL and just fill the anti spam captcha to check your site's Page rank.
PR not Increasing ?Must Read
Last Words
Share your Updated PR values with us and if you need any PR or SEO related questions in mind then feel free to ask. Hope this update is a good one for all of you if your PR is increased then congratulations for that and if doesn't increase or dropped then no need to worry just work on the formula discussed above. Hope next update will be a good one for those whose PR remains same or decreased.
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