writing error free articles is a tough job. You might be having a vast knowledge to share with the readers but sometimes it may happen that you are not able to deliver the content you were supposed to deliver because of some very simple mistakes done by you.
While writing articles your primary job should not only to write article and provide information to your readers but also make that article error free.
I am a content writer cum Blogger. After completing my article my job has not finished. One of the important parts that is left after my article is written is that i have to proofread that article and make itfully error free. So, in this post I am going to share the best 5 sources which I use to proofread my documents after I have written my article.

Online Proofreading Tools For Blog Posts

So, these are the five tools which will help you get your article error free. You will be happy to know that all these tools are absolutely free of cost to use and using them you will get a proper article without any mistakes. So read about them and decide which tool meets your requirements the most.

1# PolishMyWriting

The very fist tool which comes to my list is PolishMyWriting. You can find all the errors in your article with the help of this tool very easily. Copy the article which you have written and which you want to proofread and paste it in the PolishMyWriting website. All the errors which will be founded in the article will be displayed in three different colors to you.

All the spellings mistakes will be identified by Red color, Polishmywriting will provide you different writing suggestions inblue color and your grammatical mistakes will be displayed ingreen color. Apart from telling your spelling, grammatical mistakes PolishMyWriting will also help you in giving suggestions for active and passive writing.
Content Polish
Get Your Content Polished ;)

2# Ginger

The second tool which comes to my list is Ginger. You will see many features as same as polishmywriting in Ginger. But you will not get all the features same as you get one advanced feature in Ginger that all your mistakes like a, an, have, the will also be pointed out. If you write a lot of articles each day and it is hectic for you to visit the website again and again to check the articles you can use the add on tool for the various web browsers provided by Ginger.
Ginger Proofreader
Proofread Your Content With Ginger :)

3# Slick Write

Delivering a professional article to your client?? Is that your motto for the day?? If it is that you need to use Slick Write as most of the professionals and firms prefer to use this free online tool forproofreading their documents. Not only all your errors are recovered with the help of slick write but this tool also analyzes your writing and will give you suggestions so that your writing skills can be improved.
SlickWrite Proofreader Tool
Get Your Articles Proofread Professionally :)

4# PaperRater

PaperRater is another tool which makes to my list. Apart from checking your errors and recovering them your title of the article will be analyzed and proper suggestions will be given to you byPaperRater. Your article will be analyzed with the help of this tool and you will be given a final score on the basis of your writing skills.. Impressive!! Isn’t it??
PaperRater Proofreader tool
Get Your Articles Rated By Paper Rater ;)

5# SpellChecker

SpellChecker is the last tool which makes to our list. It gives you the option to check your articles in many different languages. If you want to proofread a blog which is not having a lot of articles written you can use spellchecker.net because it also checks your entire blog for errors and recovers them.
Spell Checker Proofreading
Proofread Your Entire Blog with SpellChecker :D
These were the best tools which I use for proofreading of my documents when I am online. Use them and let us know if you find any more exciting features than mentioned above.


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