Kasper sky antivirus called one of the most powerful software for the destruction of the virus is present. The software for the MAC Nat and characteristics that are unique among Mhbvtryn antivirus software may be used to attract many users and give them as fans and Pa took the pill and then the application site ranking Top Ten there has always been ranked among the best anti-virus software.

- Having complete Virus Encyclopedia
- Control and Management Network Secure
- Monitoring and strict control on hard disk
- Control file running in memory
- Control over all activities of the Internet and the Czech system of inbound and outbound Internet
- Hard disk drive for data security
- Update Database fastest antivirus against new viruses
- The best and fastest in the detection of viruses
- Improved Sandbox technology to create an environment for the implementation and testing of ducts without damaging the file system
- Protect e-mail
- Added intelligent control tools
- Improved protection
- Use the Sandbox feature for web browsers
- The MAC recognized bank site and take care of user data while working with these sites
- Switch off safe mode while browsing suspicious sites
- Delete infected files
- Identify the components of a web page infected
- Ability to block access to non-secure domain
- Use of information recorded in the network software Kasprasky
- Protection against spam
- Prevent windows from appearing Ad annoying pl
- Allows users to Windows Vista Gadget for control system security program
- Different parts of the system under consideration
- IE and prevent attacks by scanning hidden from this browser
- Prevent from entering site containing Maleware are
- Revert changes that puts a virus on Windows
- Ability to identify tasks needed for the unemployment system and the time
- The ability to control the DNS requests suspected
- Scans the HTTP data transfer via FTP
- Improved Ability to create a rescue disk with Burn on CD and USB
- Added Toolbar for Browsers

Kaspersky Lab of the-art technology offers protection against the constant concern of virus attacks. Kaspersky anti-virus Personal Pro automatically checks for viruses in all incoming and outgoing messages in real time and prevents viruses to penetrate your PC. The anti-virus engine provides a complete check of all the local and network drive on-demand content.


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