As the access of people to the internet is increasing, the rooms for new bloggers is equally increasing. Every day comes with new ideas and themes. The trends keep on changing, and it is never late to start a blog unless every house of the world gets an access to the internet. It is expected that around 200 million people will become new users of the internet. However, the changing trends of the blogging world challenge the new bloggers. The challenges that new bloggers will face in 2013 include:
1. High Quality Work
The audience of blogs is becoming more educated with respect to the quality of work. The bloggers should not forget that, although they are new in the business, but the diverse blogging audience includes new internet users and the old ones also. The educated audience selects the content on the basis of quality. It would never be wise if a new blogger produces content for new internet users only.
2. The Love For Journalism Stories
When blogging arrived, people loved to read from that big flash screen of the desktop computers. The purpose was to get information by compromising on the quality of work. Now blogging stands as a complete platform of disseminating infotainment. People expect in-depth stories in the form of blog posts, visual information and discussions etc. The electronic media are converting into the social media as a mainstream news forum. Therefore, the new bloggers should have a complete know-how of the basics of writing journalism stories. Although the 'inverted pyramid style' is no longer a requirement, however, the need of 5Ws and 1H prevails.
3. Google Scrutiny
As Google is the most used search engine, therefore the majority of SEO content is produced with respect to Google terms and conditions. However, Google is now filtering the low quality content or the notorious ways of attaining the first page position by using special tools and techniques, for the convenience and betterment of readers. Therefore, the new bloggers should not follow the guidelines of those successful gurus who attained optimized Google position within days with the help of low quality content. Belief in quality is pivotal for 2013.
4. Design
The screens of the internet are tremendously changing from LCDs to smart TVs and computers to palm tops. The design of a blog should support the screens of the internet users. Being a new blogger, you should always remember to target every type of the audience.
5. Social Network Relevancy
The largest readership of blogs is on the social networking websites. You might have read instructions of using the social network ‘sharing’ options in your blog designs, however, as a content generator, you should keep in mind that your content should support the social networking audience choice also.
6. Be Creative and Effective
People read your content with the intention of getting new information or an expert advice. They want uniqueness. Your creative content will attract them and influence them with a much larger magnitude and bring them back to your blog.
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